🪖🪖🪖 Thank you for using my referral link in the new Brigade game! - https://brigadegame.io/?ref=0x4A86f34d666D81D3C849735463b9A55951f27e12 🪖🪖🪖


About the collection

Gaming, Utility & DeFi. Taco is the ultimate Web3 project on the WAX Blockchain, combining a smart wallet app for crypto, an NFT-based P2E gaming platform and its own metaverse, the Taco Universe.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tacowax

Telegram: https://t.me/tacowax

Discord: https://discord.gg/tacocrypto

Bazaar New

Are you looking for a specific ingredient?

What if there was a place where you can trade your spare ingredient for a new one?

What if it's free of charge?

Go to Bazaar
Analysis / Ingredients

Do you want to buy an ingredient from the market place?

Find the cheepest option and check the most common ingredient conversion.

Go to Ingredients Analysis
Sets / Acryptia Skins New

If you are a collector of skins this is the place to be

Get an overview of all the Acryptia skins. See how far you are in completing the whole set.

This includes both the skins in your wallet and the ones staked in the game.

Go to Acryptia Skins
My Profile

On this page you can find break down of all your TACO, SHING and ONI income.

Go to My Profile
Analysis / Collectors New

Here you will find help to decide which collector is the best value for the money.

Also, if you need one and you are wondering if you should trade or stake, here you will find the answer.

Go to Collectors Analysis

This is the starting point to decide in which venue you should volunteer or use your automators.

Estimations on base SHING earning, how popular is each venue and if they do something to reward loyal volunteers.

Go to Brigade

Every Taco NFT and its historic market sales data

Go to Templates
Leaderboard / Automators New

Data on how top venues are utilizing automators

You can see data on Fee and Exp collected, as well as the number of Unique users and Automators.

Go to Automators Leaderboard
Venue Upgrade

Breakdown of the requirements for levelling up a venue

Go to Venue Upgrade
Venue Production

Shing Production calculations and the increse per level for every level/rarity

Go to Venue Production

Displays the list of the Seasoned Extractor holders. If there is an active blending, it displays the chances of getting the prize

Go to Seasoning